

Who will swerve and zig-zag the best and thus win the race?

Two to five hares enter the racetrack. On their way, they stop on field and dandelion spaces, on carrots and lettuce. Each hare has to run to the opposite side of the playing area and back; the starting spaces are also the final destination spaces. The player whose hare is the first to reach one of the destination spaces wins.

At the beginning of the game, colored disks are distributed on the gameboard, thus determining the spaces for carrots, lettuce, and dandelions. Marbles in the corresponding colors are put into the cotton bag. They are drawn blindly and determine each hare's route.

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Who will swerve and zig-zag the best and thus win the race?

Two to five hares enter the racetrack. On their way, they stop on field and dandelion spaces, on carrots and lettuce. Each hare has to run to the opposite side of the playing area and back; the starting spaces are also the final destination spaces. The player whose hare is the first to reach one of the destination spaces wins.

At the beginning of the game, colored disks are distributed on the gameboard, thus determining the spaces for carrots, lettuce, and dandelions. Marbles in the corresponding colors are put into the cotton bag. They are drawn blindly and determine each hare's route.

A red fox and tall trees slow the hares down. A molehill, however, extends the jumping range of the hares.

Publishers: Clemens Gerhards
Designers: Dieter Stein
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