Anime 5E

Anime 5E

Watching anime movies or reading a manga series doesn’t quite provide the immersive experience that some people crave. These inspired individuals don’t just want to passively watch fantasy anime – they want to live it and experience it and be consumed by it. Even playing anime-themed video games doesn’t provide the creative outlet whereby players can live the adventures of their favourite anime characters. An anime and manga role-playing game – just like the one you’re reading – fills this dramatic need perfectly.

Online stores
Store Language Price Delivery us Total Stock  
Noble Knight en $ 45.95 $ 4.95 $ 50.90 (€ 46.85) Visit
Zatu Games en £ 38.49 £ 15.99 £ 54.48 (€ 60.84) Visit
Zatu Games en £ 65.99 £ 15.99 £ 81.98 (€ 92.88) Visit
Store Language Price Stock  
Noble Knight
$ 45.95 Visit
Zatu Games
£ 38.49 Visit
Zatu Games
£ 65.99 Visit
Anime 5E manual