Legends of Labyrinth

Legends of Labyrinth

Your goal in Legends of Labyrinth is to gather three retinues of heroes before anyone else. A retinue can be gathered when you recruit four identical heroes or four different legendary heroes, and each retinue that you have gathered enables you to use its powerful abilities!

You recruit heroes by using the proper influence cards that you draw at the beginning of your turn. These cards are also used to "steal" heroes and influence cards from other players and sabotage their plans. During your turn, you can take one action: play one influence card or (if you have the proper heroes) gather one retinue.

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Your goal in Legends of Labyrinth is to gather three retinues of heroes before anyone else. A retinue can be gathered when you recruit four identical heroes or four different legendary heroes, and each retinue that you have gathered enables you to use its powerful abilities!

You recruit heroes by using the proper influence cards that you draw at the beginning of your turn. These cards are also used to "steal" heroes and influence cards from other players and sabotage their plans. During your turn, you can take one action: play one influence card or (if you have the proper heroes) gather one retinue. However, if you collect a proper set of influence cards, during one turn you can draw many cards, recruit lots of heroes and take a number of actions to surprise your rivals!

Released: October 2016
Publishers: Let's Play
Artists: Marek Roliński
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