Bee War

Bee War

Bee War is a competitive tile colocation game, where the opponents will fight to be the first to bring the queen bee to the panel. The worker bees, bumblebees and wasps will be our allies to achieve our goals by using the available cards in the most optimal way to achieve victory. But beware, in Bee War no strategy is long term, check the score of your cards and minimize the damage when chance brings you an unexpected card.

On their turn, a player picks a card and play their cards. If the card allows it, you can move on the tiles the queen bee. We have defensive cards and attack cards, they must be used wisely. The game ends, when the queen arrives at her panel. The first player who is able to bring his queen to his panel wins.

Released: 2021
Publishers: Falomir Juegos
Online stores
Store Language Price Delivery us Total Stock es € 22.73 € 22.73 Visit es € 29.99 € 29.99 Visit
Store Language Price Stock
€ 22.73 Visit
€ 29.99 Visit
Bee War components