Da Luigi

Da Luigi

Buying ingredients, greeting guests, serving tables — running a restaurant can be hectic, and in the end only the one who is "Da Luigi" can keep an overview of everything and earn a star for the restaurant. If only you didn't have to deal with the other players who always act as unwelcome guests...

Your goal in Da Luigi is to get as many guests as possible, although only satisfied customers will always be good customers. Variety in the gameplay comes from the 90 individual guest cards, with you always wanting to find a free table for wealthy guests with plenty of time while pushing off grumpy customers in a hurry to your opponents.

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Buying ingredients, greeting guests, serving tables — running a restaurant can be hectic, and in the end only the one who is "Da Luigi" can keep an overview of everything and earn a star for the restaurant. If only you didn't have to deal with the other players who always act as unwelcome guests...

Your goal in Da Luigi is to get as many guests as possible, although only satisfied customers will always be good customers. Variety in the gameplay comes from the 90 individual guest cards, with you always wanting to find a free table for wealthy guests with plenty of time while pushing off grumpy customers in a hurry to your opponents.

Players buy ingredients for their meals from the market and pay for them in time — and time is always against you because if you don't serve a guest his desired food quickly, say, by the end of the game, you'll lose points in the end.

Released: 2015
Designers: Rüdiger Dorn
Artists: Fiore GmbH
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