New Small World expansion adds rivers to the board

After more than two years without a new expansion, Days of Wonder is bringing a new part to the Small World series. This expansion will add a new map that can be played with 2 to 5 players. Hold on tight to the ship, because we are going over water!

The new expansion for Small World will have the name Small World: River World. As the name suggest, this new expansion will contain new maps that are split by several rivers. It will be very important for players to conquer parts of the river as these give direct access to different islands that you will need to claim.



One of the new maps included in Small World River World


But watch out when taking over the river! There are pirates lurking on the water! New event cards will place the pirates on the water, they will do anything to stay the lord of the rivers and will try to scare anyone away who tries to stop them.

The game will be available for playing and buying at Essen in October. For those who can't go and want to play the game, you will have to wait a short while until November. More information about the game can be found on the blog of Days of Wonder.

Publié le 12 Sep 2016 par Jerodev | source

Migration: Mars gameplay