

Castro, first released as Cuatro, mixes two games: Yahtzee and four-in-a-row.

On a turn, a player rolls five dice to make a set from one of six categories: pair of a kind, three of a kind, four of a kind, full house, straight and poker. They may reroll any or all of the dice up to five times. There is also a board with spaces marked with aforementioned six categories and four sets of pagoda roofs, with 15 pieces per player. The result of dice roll specifies where a player's roof can be placed. As soon as the player puts four pagodas in a row (either horizontally, vertically or diagonally), they win the game.

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Castro, first released as Cuatro, mixes two games: Yahtzee and four-in-a-row.

On a turn, a player rolls five dice to make a set from one of six categories: pair of a kind, three of a kind, four of a kind, full house, straight and poker. They may reroll any or all of the dice up to five times. There is also a board with spaces marked with aforementioned six categories and four sets of pagoda roofs, with 15 pieces per player. The result of dice roll specifies where a player's roof can be placed. As soon as the player puts four pagodas in a row (either horizontally, vertically or diagonally), they win the game.

The trick is that the player can place their pagodas on already occupied spaces on the top of other players' pieces if they achieved necessary result in a number of rolls less or equal to five minus the number of pagodas. (For example, if two pagodas are on a space designated to three of a kind, the player must achieve this result in no more than three dice throws.)

Publié: 2013
éditeurs: Noris Spiele
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Cuatro gameplay