Serious Poulp teases 7th continent sequel: The 7th Citadel

Serious Poulp teases 7th continent sequel: The 7th Citadel A few days ago, Serious Poulp added an update to their latest 7th Continent Kickstarter campaign that state that all games had been delivered. However, there were a few more updates in this message that was most interesting! Next year, the publisher will be starting a campaign for a whole new game using the same adventure system called: The 7th Citadel. And, there is a 7th Continent "Classic Edition" coming that will be available for purchase through retailers.


The 7th Citadel is a choose your own adventure game, just like its predecessor The 7th Continent, but it will exist in an entirely new world with a few big gameplay changes that will enhance the gameplay tremendously, said the publisher. The new location will be a dark world, filled with fantasy like things to explore with your friends. The game will be coming to Kickstarter in 2020, but more updates should be available in autumn 2019

Besides this big announcement, Serious Poulp also announced the "classic edition" of The 7th Continent. This is a version of the game that only contains the base game and its essential components to play, there will be no Kickstarters exclusives included. This way, the production cost can be decreased and it is possible to sell the game through retail. The game should already be in stores by the end of this year. The image below gives a better picture of what will be available in the Classic edition versus the Kickstarter Collector edition.

Pubblicato il 29 Jun 2019 da Jerodev | risorsa