Blue Orange brings a sequel to the Spiel Des Jahres, Kingdomino

Blue Orange Games has announced that at Spiel 2017, this October in Essen, they will bring the successor to the Spiel Des Jahres, Kingdomino with them. The game will have the name Queendomino and will use the same play style as its predecessor, but with a few nice twists.

In Kingdomino, players use tiles to expand their kingdom. every tile has two sides with two terrain types on them that may or may not be the same, just like dominoes. A player can add these tiles to their kingdom as long as one of the terrain types matches the adjacent terrain that is already in the kingdom in the kingdom. When all tiles have been played, players receive points by how big areas of a certain terrain are and how many crowns there are in these areas.

New components in Queendomino


The new game, Queendomino, brings new tiles and meeples in the box and can be played by itself or together with its brother, Kingdomino. When you expand your village around the castle, it is possible that buildings will pop up that give you tactical advantages during the game. You can collect coins or train knights and place them in your kingdom with the ultimate goal to receive favors from the queen. But watch out! Because there is also a dragon in play that can ruin your kingdom.

Currently, some small introductions, the picture above (Via Twitter) and the box shot are the only things we know about the game, we don't really know how all of this will work together. This will probably be clear when the game will be playable this October. Until then, we shall try to keep you up to date on this new game.

Publicado en 01 Aug 2017 por Jerodev

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