Three Swedish players break Carcassonne world record

Last April a team of three Swedish players started the biggest and longest Carcassonne game yet. In just twenty-five hours they created a board of just over ten thousand game tiles.

Carcassonne is a board game in wich players take turns drawing a tile from a pile that has a road, a farm or a castle on it. They have to put the tile on the already existing field on the table and can claim one of the parts of the tile. Every type of property scores points in another way, the player that has the most points after the last tile has been placed, wins the game.

In Sweden, three players have combined multiple base games and all expansions of Carcassonne and made a lot of time to play a game. They have been playing for twenty-five hours on a game with 10,007 tiles, this created a field of 108 by 92 tiles that needed a lot of tables.

The result of this game can be viewed at the following link:

Publicado en 04 May 2016 por Jerodev

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