Las Mansiones de la Locura: La Tablilla de Plata

Las Mansiones de la Locura: La Tablilla de Plata

Expansión para: juego Las Mansiones de la Locura

Professor Ruth Wolcott has disappeared with the Silver Tablet. The head of the University Archaeology Department has hired you to find Ruth and bring the tablet back before the university discovers its absence. Explore the mansion and uncover the clues to achieve your objective before time runs out

This exciting expansion adds one new scenario to Mansions of Madness.

The expansion includes: Keeper set up sheet, Investigator set up sheet, 38 Exploration cards, 5 Event cards, 2 Keeper Action Cards, 3 Objective cards, 6 Lock cards, 4 Obstacle cards

Tiendas en línea
Tienda Idioma Precio Entrega us Total Existencia en € 47.74 € 47.74 Visita en € 81.89 € 81.89 Visita
Tienda Idioma Precio Existencia
€ 47.74 Visita
€ 81.89 Visita